Tagged with Bonds


Don't Crush The Green Shoots, Carney

324 views June 06, 2013

No surprises from the Bank of England this Thursday. It voted against restarting its bond buying...


How To Play The Volatility Game

895 views June 05, 2013

Gold, oil, currencies, equities, they've all seen heightened volatility in their trading in...


Where To Find Yield Amidst Bond "Carnage"

219 views June 04, 2013

The rout on the sovereign bond markets is sharp and for some, brutal. Is this a June "blip" or a...

Trading Floor

Spain's pains increase chance of 2012 rescue to...

10,264 views April 20, 2012

In this macro view video with Steen Jakobsen, Chief Economist, Saxo Bank, he discusses with...

Trading Floor

Crude oil prices need to be based on more than...

239 views April 21, 2010

www.tradingfloor.com - With the EIA acknowledging the presence of 'other factors' in the...

Trading Floor

Analysts' estimates expected to catch up with...

309 views April 09, 2010

www.tradingfloor.com - Analysts' estimates for quarter on quarter growth for US stocks are...

Trading Floor

Commodities see broad-based rise on economy...

211 views April 07, 2010

The CRB index has seen a rise of 5% over the past week as optimism about economic activity and a...