Tagged with Forex


Why trading gold in euros could give you a...

444 views October 23, 2014

Gold traded against the euro hit a two month high this Thursday at EUR 985 / oz. However, it's...


Coleman: Why it's time to buy EURUSD

383 views October 23, 2014

Concerns surrounding slowing growth in the eurozone have caused the euro to fall to a one-week...


#TradingDebates: Can 'rate rage' save the euro?

218 views October 22, 2014

The last panel discussion at the Saxo #TradingDebates examines whether the so called "rate rage"...


#TradingDebates: Kit Juckes is worried about...

187 views October 22, 2014

Kit Juckes, Macro Strategist at Societe General was part of the third Saxo #TradingDebate panel...


#TradingDebates: What does the future hold for...

484 views October 22, 2014

The first panel discussions at the Saxo #TradingDebates looks at what the future holds for...


#TradingDebates: What our audience wants to hear!

134 views October 22, 2014

The Saxo Trading debates have just kicked off at the British Museum in London. Here is a short...


Tips on shorting the market in EURUSD and the DAX

553 views October 20, 2014

After last week's mini meltdown in the markets, Central Banks did all they could to soothe the...


Hardy: Why it's make your mind up time for USD

370 views October 20, 2014

What's it going to take for the US dollar to break the relatively tight ranges in which it's been...

Sala de Inversión - España

El níquel podría subir un 50%, ¿cuándo?

150 views October 17, 2014

´Aunque el níquel es el único metal básico con potencial de aumentar un 50% en un año, señala un...

Sala de Inversión - España

La Fed continúa el debate

102 views October 17, 2014

Los estímulos monetarios implementados por la Reserva Federal y otros bancos centrales desde 2008...


The levels to watch after a turbulent week

343 views October 17, 2014

It has been a turbulent week on the markets to say the least, but things seem to be looking up;...


What's really keeping economists awake at night?

199 views October 17, 2014

Thank God it's Friday, many traders are probably saying that with more enthusiasm than usual as...