Tagged with Saxo


Lambert: Mind the gap (and the abandoned baby)...

264 views August 12, 2014

Clive Lambert, the award winning chart expert, is focusing Tuesday's trade on the FTSE futures....


How to trade the 'exposed' USD

376 views August 11, 2014

The euro has continued to weaken this Monday. We saw a massive amount of dollar buying last week...


Berger: Jumping on the S&P 500's 'oversold bounce'

262 views August 11, 2014

"I'm looking for an over-sold bounce in the S 500 Index"; so says trader, Serge Berger, also...


Russia, Ukraine and what next for the markets

550 views August 08, 2014

The markets are desperately trying to figure out what's going to happen next in the Russia -...


Keep up with the Neighbour: Sell Barratt...

147 views August 08, 2014

The markets are in corrective mode, house-builders are looking increasingly 'toppy', the sector's...


Beecroft on Draghi, QE and what next for EURUSD

351 views August 07, 2014

The European Central Bank, as expected, made no changes to interest rates or broad policy at its...


Why Draghi's drinking in the Last Chance Saloon

227 views August 06, 2014

"Eventually, the markets will see through this trick" - Stephen Pope, the MD of Spotlightideas on...


Clambert: Gold’s potential over Russia sanctions

225 views August 07, 2014

Off the back of geo-political tensions in the Ukraine, Clive Lambert from Futures Techs is...


Russia, Ukraine and how I'm playing the 'tired'...

255 views August 06, 2014

Stocks on both sides of the Atlantic fell this Wednesday, largely on concerns about Ukraine and...


Lucas: Why I'm selling AUDJPY

665 views August 06, 2014

Two trades have caught Steve Lucas' eye; USDJPY and AUDUSD. When it comes to the USDJPY, Steve...


Pope: Why GBP will make new highs after the summer

222 views August 05, 2014

There's plenty of life left in the pound and we can expect new highs once the European summer is...


Coleman: Looking for an intraday rally in EURJPY

139 views August 05, 2014

Ian Coleman from Frist 4 Trading is looking into buying EURJPY this Tuesday. Coleman explains...