Tagged with asia


Global growth fears: How to short AUDJPY

277 views October 13, 2014

The commodity related Aussie dollar has come under pressure in recent weeks. While the safe haven...


Loong: China's targeted approach is not working

221 views September 24, 2014

The latest flash PMI from China suggests manufacturing picked up slightly, but there are still...


Garnry: South Korea 'screaming buy'

376 views September 05, 2014

The success of South Korean companies is helping to make the country’s equity market one of the...


Sterling: What you need to know this week

199 views September 08, 2014

More turbulence for sterling as the threat of Scottish independence continues to unsettle markets...


Could China's house of cards collapse?

318 views August 19, 2014

China has seen house prices fall for three months in a row, bank lending was down sharply in July...


Jakobsen and Garnry: One Europe, two views

625 views August 14, 2014

The German economy’s shrinking, French GDP has stalled and we already know Italy is in recession....


Jakobsen: Growth in Eurozone looks like a...

499 views August 11, 2014

Eurozone GDP figures are out on Thursday and with industrial production in Germany, France and...


Morningstar: The Aussie firms in the Asian...

627 views July 28, 2014

Increased demand for gas in Asia could create investment opportunities with two Australian...


Rolls-Royce: Accelerating sales but beware the...

256 views July 09, 2014

Rolls-Royce car sales accelerated by a third in the first 6 months of 2014 compared to the same...


Fragile China sees services stabilise

144 views June 03, 2014

China’s service sector has grown at its fastest rate for six months in May. The bounce is being...


Ole Hansen: China wins long term; Russia wins...

236 views May 22, 2014

There have been Chinese whispers about it for a decade. But now it’s said to be signed, what do...


Hansen: A commodity crisis if El Niño hits

400 views May 15, 2014

Forecasts predicting the return of El Nino weather patterns are raising concerns about the...