Tagged with assets


What Chinese data does - and doesn't - tell you

659 views March 13, 2015

You can almost hear the sound of screeching brakes coming all the way from Beijing. The latest...


Jakobsen: The ECB's 'backward-looking...

678 views March 06, 2015

How much difference will QE make on the fortunes of the Eurozone? Saxo Bank's Chief Economist,...


Not worried about China? Here's why you should be

733 views February 09, 2015

China posted some unexpected and hair raising trade figures showing imports falling by almost...


The secret of successful asset allocation

649 views December 05, 2014

Successful asset allocation is key to the success of many traders. However, judging when to...


China stocks rocket - fuelled by rate cut

129 views November 27, 2014

In a move that surprised investors last week, the People’s Bank of China instituted a rate cut...


Faraday: Kiwi bears fruit

333 views November 17, 2014

Faraday analyst Thomas Light explains why he has spotted an opportunity to short NZDUSD: "Last...


Hansen: Gold and silver markets get spooked

2,061 views October 31, 2014

Support for gold and silver has all but disappeared as precious metals hit a four year low....


The next key levels in USDJPY

891 views October 31, 2014

The Bank of Japan's move to increase stimulus is like "throwing gasoline on the fire" as far as...


Loong: Markets need to accept low growth as...

375 views October 21, 2014

Pauline Loong, Managing Director of Asia-analytica, gives us her assessment of the latest Chinese...


Knuthsen: Why I'm now neutral on bonds versus...

332 views October 09, 2014

Teis Knuthsen, Chief Investment Officer for Saxo Private Bank, explains why he's shifted his...


What next for Pimco after Gross' departure?

166 views September 29, 2014

What next for Pimco after Bill Gross, the man who built the firm into a 2 trillion dollar asset...


FX regulation and what every trader must know

396 views June 13, 2014

We could soon see all FX being exchange traded; that's the view of Ken Veksler, the MD of Accumen...