Tagged with forward guidance


The mounting pressures on Europe's central banks

168 views February 04, 2014

Saxo’s Nick Beecroft says that although the ECB “doesn't tend to move quickly”, there is a...


Hardy: The ECB's new dovish tone

420 views January 09, 2014

The ECB President, Mario Draghi, is using much more dovish rhetoric at the latest bank meeting...


Beecroft: The missing piece of Britain's recovery

166 views December 05, 2013

Nick Beecroft, the Chairman of Saxo Capital Markets, isn't too surprised the UK is enjoying one...


She's no rebel, Yellen; we want more

269 views November 14, 2013

Janet Yellen, the presumed next Chair of the US Federal Reserve, told Congress Thursday that...


The Bank of England's big struggle

320 views November 12, 2013

Following a sharp fall in the headline measure of inflation to an annual rate of 2.2 percent in...


Where to invest in "weak, fragile" Europe

497 views October 03, 2013

The ECB's Mario Draghi was frank in his assessment of Europe's recovery: it's "weak, fragile and...


Hardy: A crucial week for the FX markets

505 views August 30, 2013

As far as the markets are concerned, Summer if officially over. It's back to business as usual,...


Why I'm really concerned about UK inflation

342 views August 13, 2013

Nick Beecroft has a real concern amid relatively good news about a UK recovery and that's...


Is forward guidance the way forward?

317 views August 07, 2013

Governor Mark Carney says the Bank of England will not consider increasing its record-low...


Oh, what a circus in the forex markets

408 views August 07, 2013

"It’s been a bit of a circus", that's how Saxo Bank traders describe the forex market this...


Mark Carney's big mistake

749 views August 01, 2013

The Bank of England's new governor, Mark Carney, is about to make a big mistake, according to...