Tagged with greek


Jakobsen on Greece: Someone needs to lose big

711 views February 03, 2015

Greek shares rallied on Tuesday after hopes were raised over a possible debt deal with the...


Hardy: Why I'm looking for a USD rally

730 views February 02, 2015

Saxo's John Hardy believes the market reacted complacently to last week's FOMC meeting. He says...


Hardy: Market is underestimating the strength...

863 views January 26, 2015

Despite the uncertainty following the the Greek election, Saxo's John Hardy says the market has...


Jakobsen: Greece lightning strikes Euro

1,283 views January 26, 2015

A big win for the left wing anti austerity party Syriza in Greece raises questions about the...


Hansen: Gold holds its mettle but be cautious

525 views January 06, 2015

Gold has started the year trading at almost the same level it was this time 12 months ago. Over...


Jarman on equities, over-optimism and a 'titan'...

293 views July 02, 2014

Investors are becoming too optimistic; that's the view of H20 Markets' Equity Strategist Michael...