Tagged with interest rates


UK election uncertainty: Is Britain's credit...

489 views April 15, 2015

The polls are still too tight to call in May's UK election which is continuing to cause...


Jakobsen: Why I wouldn’t put ALL my money in...

689 views April 07, 2015

Stock markets around the world have soared in the past year with the German Dax for example...


Essential Trades Q2 Mads Koefoed

1,031 views March 25, 2015

It probably won't happen during the second quarter, but the market will very likely be dominated...


Essential Trades Q2 Steen Jakobsen

1,583 views March 25, 2015

A negative zero-interest rate world will have profound implications for us all.One expected...


Koefoed: US CPI confirms rate expectations

411 views March 24, 2015

Today’s US CPI data briefly sent the dollar higher against the euro before the move reversed....


Fasdal: Risky Russia and Brazilian bonds -...

561 views March 24, 2015

The ECB’s QE programme is driving bond yields down to all-time lows in most of Europe. So where...


Berger: Home Depot building up for a break

317 views March 23, 2015

Serge Berger, known as The Steady Trader, is looking at the stock Home Depot. He says it's...


Koefoed: 3 reasons why the Fed will delay a...

437 views March 18, 2015

While a majority of analysts now believe the Federal Reserve will raise rates in June, Saxo's...


Just how much damage is a strong dollar doing...

779 views March 11, 2015

We're heading for a negative surprise in Q1 earnings as much as a 7% drop in earnings per share...


Hardy on the euro, the ECB and EURUSD parity

776 views March 05, 2015

Will the there be a pivot and bounce in EURUSD or an acceleration lower this Thursday after a key...


Is this the week when Yellen boosts USD?

610 views February 23, 2015

This week’s big event for currencies will be Fed chief Janet Yellen’s testimonies before the US...


FTSE flying to new heights?

374 views February 19, 2015

Joe Neighbour expects the FTSE 100 to hit new highs. He's buying the index and notes that the...