Tagged with saxo private bank


Knuthsen: Why I'm reducing risk in my portfolio

757 views October 08, 2015

The markets have been severely shaken over the past few weeks. Saxo Private Bank's Teis Knuthsen...


Knuthsen: Europe has the potential to surprise...

458 views January 06, 2015

As part of his 2015 strategy, Saxo Private Bank's Chief Investment Officer, Teis Knuthsen, is...


The secret of successful asset allocation

662 views December 05, 2014

Successful asset allocation is key to the success of many traders. However, judging when to...


What every FX trader needs to know about these...

460 views June 20, 2014

400 billion euros, that's the biggest net flow of funds into the eurozone we've ever seen. At the...


The Russian shockwave that's changed the...

388 views April 01, 2014

How will we interact with a Russian company over the coming months? Can we really trust that...


Knuthsen on equities: We can’t go on like this!

4,718 views November 26, 2013

With record stock market highs, persistently low interest rates, something’s got to give. That’s...