Tagged with saxo bank equities


Earnings Season: Will the Davids beat the...

500 views April 10, 2015

Q1 earnings season has begun and it's the small cap firms with a spring in their step. Serge...


Berger: Goldman Sachs earnings estimates rise

266 views April 13, 2015

As investors prepare for vigorous trading during Q1 earnings season, Serge Berger, better known...


Will Apple's watch sell, Samsung’s comeback and...

406 views April 09, 2015

This week tech expert Stuart Miles looks at how well Apple’s smartwatch will perform when...


Jakobsen: Why I wouldn’t put ALL my money in...

689 views April 07, 2015

Stock markets around the world have soared in the past year with the German Dax for example...


Live streaming, Tesla’s teaser and can Tidal...

1,398 views April 01, 2015

This week, tech analyst Stuart Miles looks at Meerkat and Periscope, new Twitter based live...


Trade Like A Pro - Leading riders being overtaken

2,775 views March 31, 2015

Who are the leading riders in the Trade Like A Pro competition? Head of Equity Strategy Peter...


Q2 Essential Trades - Meet the team

706 views March 27, 2015

It is officially springtime and Saxo Bank’s strategy team has a fresh perspective on Q2. Green...


Berger: FedEX to deliver on market rally

274 views March 30, 2015

Serge Berger, also known as The Steady Trader, has seen that there has been a lack of sector...


Old vs smart watches, Apple’s trade-in and...

372 views March 26, 2015

Traditional watchmakers don’t seem too bothered by the arrival of the smart watch. That’s at...


Hardy: JPY best trade amid turmoil

459 views March 26, 2015

Saudi Arabia’s intervention in Yemen overnight, a rally in oil prices and a sell-off in risky...


Berger: DAX drives on - can investors still...

431 views March 24, 2015

The German DAX 30 is up more than 21% this year, fuelled by the European Central Bank’s QE...


Koefoed: US CPI confirms rate expectations

411 views March 24, 2015

Today’s US CPI data briefly sent the dollar higher against the euro before the move reversed....