Tagged with saxo bank trading floor


Italian banking crisis may mean opportunities...

1,421 views July 08, 2016

Peter Garnry, head of equity strategy at Saxo Bank, examines the post–Brexit banking crisis in...


Why I’m selling British American Tobacco:...

618 views July 07, 2016

Joe Neighbour from Central Markets says he is looking to sell BATS after a sharp share price rise...


Where next for silver after the surge?: Hansen

2,614 views July 05, 2016

Ole Hansen, head of commodity strategy at Saxo Bank, explains why precious metals, such as silver...


Market calm can’t carry on: Jakobsen

1,402 views July 04, 2016

Steen Jakobsen, chief economist at Saxo Bank, explains how he sees the state of global equity...


Carmakers and financials after Brexit: Garnry

961 views June 30, 2016

Peter Garnry, head of equity strategy at Saxo Bank, discusses opportunities within carmakers and...


Where the market will refocus after the Brexit...

1,035 views June 30, 2016

John Hardy, head of FX strategy at Saxo Bank, says that while the UK has not begun the formal...


Webinar - What are LEAPS and how to trade them:...

1,204 views June 30, 2016

When considering any options strategy, one may want to think about LEAPS if one is prepared to...


Why I’m selling Johnson Matthey: Neighbour

361 views June 30, 2016

Joe Neighbour, of Central Markets, is looking at speciality chemicals and sustainable...


Why I’m shorting EURUSD: Collins

617 views June 29, 2016

Alan Collins of 3cAnalysis is looking to short EURUSD. He says that the tone of the market is...


FX chart analysis after Brexit: Hardy

1,115 views June 28, 2016

John Hardy, head of FX strategy at Saxo Bank, examines a number of forex charts in a technical...


Trading FX this week - technical analysis: Kim

438 views June 27, 2016

James Kim, a sales trader at Saxo Capital Markets Australia, examines trading strategies for the...


Webinar - Trading options around earnings: Stoev

1,179 views June 23, 2016

Earnings season is around the corner, but positioning ahead of time is crucial. Whether one wants...