Tagged with stocks


WebTrader Quick Start 5: Using Charts

2,467 views June 01, 2010

Saxo Bank's WebTrader platform features advanced charting functions such as technical analysis,...


WebTrader Quick Start 1: Setting up Your Workspace

7,183 views June 01, 2010

Learn how to set up your WebTrader workspace to suit your trading, customise views, change...

Trading Floor

Macroeconomics is driving equities, not earnings

460 views May 28, 2010

http://www.tradingfloor.com - After a poor May, the equity markets should see a moderate bounce...

Trading Floor

Effect of better US earnings lost in Eurozone...

434 views May 12, 2010

www.tradingfloor.com - The EU bailout package gave a momentary respite to the markets, but...

Saxo Bank Russia

Stop Loss

411 views April 26, 2010

Saxo Bank — инвестиционный банк, специалист в области онлайн-трейдинга. Фильм Stop Loss выражает...

Trading Floor

Q1 earnings surprises reveal encouraging signs...

409 views April 23, 2010

www.tradingfloor.com – Earnings surprises from technology and financial stocks have revealed...

Trading Floor

Crude oil prices need to be based on more than...

239 views April 21, 2010

www.tradingfloor.com - With the EIA acknowledging the presence of 'other factors' in the...

Trading Floor

Analysts' estimates expected to catch up with...

309 views April 09, 2010

www.tradingfloor.com - Analysts' estimates for quarter on quarter growth for US stocks are...

Trading Floor

Commodities see broad-based rise on economy...

211 views April 07, 2010

The CRB index has seen a rise of 5% over the past week as optimism about economic activity and a...

Trading Floor

Saxo Bank Outlook 2010: 'Year of Reflation'

221 views May 31, 2010

Reflation is prolonging the crisis - Saxo Bank warns of a 'rollercoaster ride' in the year ahead....