Tagged with sweden


Swedish krona at 3 year low after surprise rate...

200 views July 03, 2014

Sweden’s Central Bank has shocked the markets by cutting interest rates by far more than...


Saxo Traders: EURUSD "back up" again

229 views April 28, 2014

Saxo Bank’s traders are in the middle of a “busy trading session” and have seen euro dollar rise...


How could Sweden's success lead to deflation?

350 views April 22, 2014

Sweden’s economy, once called the ‘rock star of the recovery’ has slipped into deflation. The...


Jakobsen: The dangers of negative rates

442 views November 21, 2013

The ECB's Mario Draghi has attempted to play down speculation the European Central Bank may...


What's Pulling H&M Down

320 views June 19, 2013

HM, the clothing retailer, disappointed markets as its second quarter earnings were hit by the...