Tagged with trading tips


O’Hare: Temporary rebound in WTI

310 views March 24, 2015

Steve O’Hare from First 4 Trading has noticed a positive upward trend in WTI light sweet crude...


Lambert: EURUSD balances delicate tightrope of...

523 views March 20, 2015

Volatile swings in the Forex markets, caused by the cautious tone of the FOMC meeting this...


UK budget - How will FX markets react?

363 views March 17, 2015

Tomorrow's UK budget could help Sterling strengthen against the euro, as the eurozone QE...


Berger: Stalled Tesla stock about to rev up?

512 views March 16, 2015

In the last few months Tesla Motors’ stock has stalled on the side of the motorway along with...


Collins: The second collapse of GBPUSD

464 views March 13, 2015

Alan Collins from 3c Analysis is evaluating the prospect for further downside momentum in...


Trade Like A Pro: The top three riders and...

848 views March 09, 2015

Who are the leading riders in the Trade Like A Pro competition? Head of Equity Strategy Peter...


Lambert: Easing EURUSD lower

416 views March 09, 2015

The euro continues to weaken against the US Dollar, ahead of the European Central Bank’s...


Berger: NASDAQ biotechnology sector overextended

427 views March 06, 2015

Serge Berger, who is also known as The Steady Trader, believes the NASDAQ Biotechnology ETF...


Neighbour: Headwinds ahead for FTSE 100

425 views March 05, 2015

European indices are expected to open lower ahead of the European Central Bank meeting on...


Collins: Why I am selling GBPUSD

353 views March 04, 2015

Alan Collin from 3c Analysis expects the US Dollar to continue to strengthen against the...


Coleman: Three reasons why I'm buying EURGBP

359 views March 03, 2015

Ian Coleman from First 4 Trading outlines the three reasons why he believes that selling...


Lambert: How to trade the rising DAX

701 views March 02, 2015

European equities have been trending higher since the start of 2015, and Clive Lambert from...