Tagged with tradingfloor.com


Hardy: The US shutdown, the dollar and you

488 views October 08, 2013

As the US government shutdown enters its second week, Saxo Bank’s John Hardy says that markets...


Garnry: Three reasons why equities will beat bonds

282 views October 01, 2013

Whilst most analysts suggest you should be overweight bonds, mainly because we the economy has...


Profiting from China’s “Smart TV boom”

217 views October 07, 2013

The smart TV industry in China is booming. As a result, Beijing-based trader Fredrik Oqvist,...


Trade idea: Buy Facebook on Twitter "excitement"

232 views October 07, 2013

Serge Berger, also known as the Steady Trader, is looking to buy Facebook, as it is holding up...


How the US shutdown's hitting your commodity...

445 views October 04, 2013

Commodities are being rattled by the ongoing government shut-down in the States. There are real...


Why these drinks companies could leave you with...

213 views October 04, 2013

Most global brewers are not returning enough on their invested capital and that's why investors...


Trade idea: Short crude oil

241 views October 04, 2013

A number of factors are affecting crude oil this Friday and Anton Hughes, the co-founder of...


Where to invest in "weak, fragile" Europe

498 views October 03, 2013

The ECB's Mario Draghi was frank in his assessment of Europe's recovery: it's "weak, fragile and...


Why Q4 holds opportunities for brave investors

313 views October 03, 2013

Q4 may have had a rather dramatic kick-off, with a Government shutdown in the US and growing...


Trade idea: Long EURUSD on Dollar weakness

441 views October 03, 2013

Richard Perry from Central Markets is looking to take advantage of the current dollar weakness,...


What can stop the strengthening yen?

364 views October 02, 2013

The yen is close to a five week high against the US dollar. Concerns about the shut-down in...


What on earth is happening to gold?

464 views October 02, 2013

Gold has been plunging; it's near a two month low and that's caught many investors by surprise....