Tagged with tradingfloor.com

TradingFloor.com Insights

Insights Q3 Outlook: Waiting for reality to hit

777 views August 12, 2013

Saxo Bank's Steen Jakobsen says the third quarter is looking good for assets, but it will also...

TradingFloor.com Insights

Insights Q3 Outlook: Plain sailing

481 views August 12, 2013

Saxo Bank's Peter Garnry says tapering may have caused equities some pain in the second quarter,...

TradingFloor.com Insights

Insights Q3 Outlook: QE to infinity and back

285 views August 12, 2013

Saxo Bank's Teis Knuthsen says it is time to face a new reality now that the US Federal Reserve’s...

TradingFloor.com Insights

Insights Q3 Outlook: More of the same

230 views August 12, 2013

Saxo Bank's Mads Koefoed says the US fiscal drag will remain sizeable in the second half of this...

TradingFloor.com Insights

Insights Q3 Outlook: A light at the end of the...

334 views August 12, 2013

Saxo Bank's Ole Hansen the next few months should offer gold and silver some respite after a...

TradingFloor.com Insights

Insights Q3 Outlook: The calm before the storm

553 views August 12, 2013

Saxo Bank's John J. Hardy says a withdrawal from quantitative easing in the US, a new Fed...


Why I'm really concerned about UK inflation

343 views August 13, 2013

Nick Beecroft has a real concern amid relatively good news about a UK recovery and that's...


Why it's time to power up your portfolio

350 views August 13, 2013

Utility shares are at a ten year low, so now's the time to put some power into your portfolio,...


The potential bullish flag in crude

295 views August 13, 2013

Steve O’Hare from First 4 Trading is looking to buy a dip in to oil, as the price action since...


Europe's improving. No, really

409 views August 12, 2013

Europe is definitely showing signs of economic recovery, according to Mads Koeford, Saxo Bank's...


Veksler: Why everything's a risk in fx

359 views August 12, 2013

When it comes to trading in volatile markets, taking risks is often daunting. And even after...


Jakobsen: Interest rates have peaked

527 views August 12, 2013

Global interest rates have peaked, according to Saxo Bank's Chief Investment Officer Steen...