Tagged with copper

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Le Pen 'fear trade' not...

398 views April 05, 2017

With just 18 days to go until the first round of the presidential vote in France, Marine Le Pen...


Trading tips week 14 - technical analysis: Kim

514 views April 03, 2017

James Kim, sales trader at Saxo Capital Markets, Australia, examines trading strategies during...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Trump's defeat creates 'new...

536 views March 27, 2017

US president Donald Trump backed himself to get the deal over the line but was find wanting at...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Oil volatile into weekend...

653 views March 24, 2017

Crude oil futures are hovering above support into this weekend's meeting between Opec and...


Trading tips week 11 - technical analysis: Kim

490 views March 13, 2017

James Kim, sales trader at Saxo Capital Markets, Australia, examines trading strategies during...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: 'The markets don't know what to...

473 views March 07, 2017

The markets are floundering for a theme despite a rate hike from the Fed next week now looking...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Yellen and Fischer confirmed...

591 views March 06, 2017

US Federal Reserve chief Janet Yellen and Fed vice chairman Stanley Fisher on Friday more or less...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Awaiting Trump's tax plan —...

585 views February 27, 2017

A rather important week lies ahead. Tomorrow US President Donald Trump will speak to congress and...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Le Pen jitters blown out of...

239 views February 23, 2017

Political risk both in Europe and across the Atlantic continue to dominate, with Trump's speech...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: French risk underpins bonds —...

411 views February 22, 2017

If bonds are your barometer for the state of the global market, then the gyrations in the...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Janet Yellen sends markets up —...

419 views February 15, 2017

Hawkish comments by Fed chair Janet Yellen pushed markets into the green.

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: US politics sparks risk-off in...

360 views February 14, 2017

The Trump Administration is impacting markets again, although this time, it's for the bad. White...