Tagged with grexit


Jakobsen: Why stocks will fall and EUR rise -...

3,604 views June 18, 2015

Before hitting the beach for a summer break, it might be worthwhile to take stock of your...


Deal or no deal - how to trade Greece

560 views June 18, 2015

If a deal is finally agreed with Greece, Saxo's Teis Knuthsen says European equities will jump...


Asia Pacific update: Markets watching Greece...

506 views June 15, 2015

Saxo Bank's Asia Macro Strategist Kay Van-Petersen brings us up to date with his round-up of the...


Berger: Dax relief rally is all about bonds and...

655 views June 10, 2015

Wednesday saw the Dax pick up after it entered a correction earlier this week. Serge Berger,...


Hardy: Sterling in focus after UK election

453 views May 11, 2015

The US nonfarm payrolls report did not provide the market much clarity on the direction of the...


Knuthsen: Why the bull market in European...

438 views May 06, 2015

Saxo's Teis Knuthsen is still confident that the global economy will grow between three and four...


Fasdal: How to trade this Greek uncertainty

396 views April 21, 2015

The market is really heating up, says Saxo's Head of Fixed Income, Simon Fasdal. He's referring...


Jakobsen: All these zeroes will add up to a...

7,375 views April 17, 2015

"We have zero growth, zero inflation and zero hope.", a gloomy outlook from Saxo Bank's Chief...


Koefoed: Why I'm bullish on Spanish equities

792 views April 07, 2015

The Eurozone economy is still growing according to the latest PMI figures for March. Saxo's Mads...


Hardy: Greek games pose danger to EUR

496 views March 31, 2015

Greece is playing a dangerous game with its creditors and it is starting to be a drag on the...


Veksler on how to trade the 'inevitable' Greek...

922 views March 12, 2015

"I genuinely believe this year is the year Greece leaves the Eurozone", so says trader Ken...


Grexit? A golden reason not to panic

900 views February 17, 2015

Greek debt deadlines are looming and markets have been reacting but no sings of panic...yet. Saxo...