Tagged with macro


US jobs data - Have we seen the peak?

390 views March 31, 2015

With increasing signs of a slow down in the US, Head of Macro Strategy at Saxo Bank, Mads Koefoed...


Q2 Essential Trades - Meet the team

706 views March 27, 2015

It is officially springtime and Saxo Bank’s strategy team has a fresh perspective on Q2. Green...


Essential Trades Q2 Kay Van-Petersen

708 views March 25, 2015

Deflation and its associates are running rampant across the financial world and the Asia-Pacific...


Essential Trades Q2 Mads Koefoed

1,031 views March 25, 2015

It probably won't happen during the second quarter, but the market will very likely be dominated...


Koefoed: US CPI confirms rate expectations

411 views March 24, 2015

Today’s US CPI data briefly sent the dollar higher against the euro before the move reversed....


Why bad news from China could be good news for...

1,102 views March 24, 2015

The latest flash manufacturing PMI from China only underlined the sense of decline in the world's...


Fasdal: Risky Russia and Brazilian bonds -...

561 views March 24, 2015

The ECB’s QE programme is driving bond yields down to all-time lows in most of Europe. So where...


What Chinese data does - and doesn't - tell you

659 views March 13, 2015

You can almost hear the sound of screeching brakes coming all the way from Beijing. The latest...


Jakobsen: 2015 is a lost year and here’s why!

3,554 views March 11, 2015

Even though the US has seen strong job numbers and Europe is forecast to grow 1.5% this year,...


Jakobsen: Warning! US slow down ahead

2,636 views February 27, 2015

Saxo Bank's Chief Economist Steen Jakobsen is warning of a sharp GDP slowdown with quarter on...


Who's next after Home Depot's billion dollar...

456 views February 24, 2015

A happy day for Home Depot shareholders, who can look forward to a USD 18 billion share buyback...


Vicky Pryce: 50/50 chance of euro surviving...

537 views February 23, 2015

Greece has been granted some temporary relief from its creditors as it looks set to secure a...