Tagged with trading risks


Hardy: Staying positive on USD

578 views April 09, 2015

FX markets were eagerly anticipating the latest minutes from the FOMC, but in the end traders...


Traders Clinic - The 3 most common trading traps

777 views March 30, 2015

Acclaimed risk analyst Gerald Ashley begins a new series called 'Traders Clinic' by looking at...


Lambert: Looking to buy Brent Crude

424 views April 01, 2015

Clive Lambert from FuturesTechs is looking at buying Brent Crude, which looks set to move higher...


Hardy: Greek games pose danger to EUR

496 views March 31, 2015

Greece is playing a dangerous game with its creditors and it is starting to be a drag on the...


Hardy: How to avoid Good Friday going bad

630 views March 30, 2015

Despite Good Friday being a bank holiday and markets in Europe and the US closed, the US non-farm...


Q2 Essential Trades - Meet the team

706 views March 27, 2015

It is officially springtime and Saxo Bank’s strategy team has a fresh perspective on Q2. Green...


Hardy: USD – the bulls are back

459 views March 27, 2015

USD is back driven by strong US jobless claims as well as preliminary services PMI data for...


Lambert: Looking for a break in EURGBP support

344 views March 27, 2015

As signs of solid economic growth continue to trickle out of the Eurozone, the euro has begun...


Coleman: Further downside in AUDUSD

275 views March 26, 2015

Ian Coleman from First 4 Trading is looking for the downward pressure in AUDUSD to continue...


O’Hare: Temporary rebound in WTI

310 views March 24, 2015

Steve O’Hare from First 4 Trading has noticed a positive upward trend in WTI light sweet crude...


Hardy: Navigating choppy USD waters

471 views March 23, 2015

USD has seen choppy price action after the FOMC meeting last week, and markets are having a hard...


Lambert: EURUSD balances delicate tightrope of...

523 views March 20, 2015

Volatile swings in the Forex markets, caused by the cautious tone of the FOMC meeting this...