
Berger: Bullish bullion prices

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After the Swiss National Bank removed the cap on the franclast week, investors have been shifting investments into the gold market. Theprice of gold closed near a four month high on Friday as volatility in thecommodity and currency market drives investors towards the safe-haven metal. SergeBerger, better known as The Steady Trader, believes that interest in gold islikely to continue and could push the prices towards USD 1,350.

With the European Central Bank set to announce a possible quantitateeasing program on January 22nd, volatility is set to continue throughoutthe week. The ECB’s expected actions have pushed the euro to a near 11-yearlow. These volatile moves across asset classes are a few of the reasons why Sergeis calling for greater demand in gold.

Serge is looking to buy gold at USD 1,250 with a stop at USD1,200. He has set a price target of USD 1,350.

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