Tagged with EUR


Greece and China - the double whammy hitting...

544 views July 07, 2015

If you missed today's Saxo TV live broadcast from the trading floor at Saxo Bank then here's a...


Koefoed: Why the markets don't fear Greek...

506 views July 06, 2015

There's still so much uncertainty over what will be the final outcome for Greece. Saxo's Mads...


Veksler: Expect another week of muted...

508 views July 06, 2015

EURUSD gapped lower when Asia opened this Monday following the Greek no vote. But that gap has...


EURUSD - Long-term downtrend and here's why

981 views July 06, 2015

Amid the headline reaction in EURUSD caused by the Greek tragedy, looking longer term a downtrend...


Veksler: Why I won't trade EURUSD at the moment

535 views July 02, 2015

There's been surprise at just how well the Euro is doing despite the Greek crisis. Ken Veksler...


O'Hare: Why I'm shorting the DAX

241 views July 02, 2015

Steve O'Hare from First 4 Trading, is looking at the DAX. He notes that last weekend's collapse...


Hansen: So far it's been a disappointing week...

482 views July 01, 2015

So far this Wednesday the Euro has drifted lower. Saxo's Ole Hansen says it's difficult to know...


Collins: Three reasons to sell EURUSD

391 views July 01, 2015

Alan Collins is looking to sell EURUSD amid the volatility and uncertainty surrounding the Greek...


Jakobsen: Greek crisis has echoes of Lehman...

1,219 views June 30, 2015

Could the unfolding Greek saga have echoes of the dark days just before the collapse of Lehman...


Knuthsen: Why I'm still bullish on European...

486 views June 30, 2015

Saxo's Teis Knuthsen has been bullish on European equities since late last year. Despite the...


Hardy: Why FX markets don’t know what to do...

720 views June 30, 2015

The Greek government’s decision to walk out of bailout talks with its creditors, and call a July...


Coleman: Buying EURGBP and here's why

392 views June 30, 2015

Ian Coleman is buying EURGBP after seeing a reverse Head and Shoulders formation and a bullish...