Tagged with bond buying


Beecroft: You should be concerned about UK...

750 views May 19, 2015

The UK is in deflation for the first time in more than half a century. Chairman of Saxo Capital...


Fasdal: ECB intervention to boost Euro stocks...

561 views May 19, 2015

The European Central Bank is sending a strong message by front-loading its QE programme and...


BREAKING: QE to be 'front loaded' - EURUSD...

844 views May 19, 2015

French European Central Bank Governing Council member Benoit Coeure, has said the bank should...


#SaxoStrats - Moving in on 10-year US...

446 views May 15, 2015

Michael Boye from Saxo Bank's fixed trading income desk is trading on what he calls an...


Fasdal: What's driving German bund yields up

637 views May 12, 2015

When there’s turmoil in the markets, such as the on-going uncertainty over Greece, German bund...


Fasdal: What's behind the selloff in European...

686 views May 06, 2015

Despite continued uncertainty surrounding Greece, bond markets across Europe have begun a...


#SaxoStrats: Energy returns to Abengoa

547 views April 29, 2015

Spanish bioenergy company, Abengoa, employs 25,000 people. In this #SaxoStrats video, Michael...


#SaxoStrats: The upside inflation trade

429 views April 23, 2015

Once Greece is played out as a theme in the market, attention will turn back to the ECB’s QE...


Fasdal: How to trade this Greek uncertainty

396 views April 21, 2015

The market is really heating up, says Saxo's Head of Fixed Income, Simon Fasdal. He's referring...


#SaxoStrats - Buying German bunds on Greek fear

568 views April 17, 2015

The potential for an escalation in the Greek situation combined with QE is persuading Saxo's Head...


UK election uncertainty: Is Britain's credit...

489 views April 15, 2015

The polls are still too tight to call in May's UK election which is continuing to cause...


Koefoed: More downside for EURUSD ahead of ECB...

616 views April 14, 2015

Will Mario Draghi reassure investors at Wednesday's ECB meeting as rumours circulate that the ECB...