Tagged with eurozone crisis


Hansen: China breathes fire into AUDUSD and...

604 views July 09, 2015

The markets are looking a little calmer this Thursday after the Chinese stock market crash on...


Greece and China - the double whammy hitting...

544 views July 07, 2015

If you missed today's Saxo TV live broadcast from the trading floor at Saxo Bank then here's a...


Koefoed: Why the markets don't fear Greek...

506 views July 06, 2015

There's still so much uncertainty over what will be the final outcome for Greece. Saxo's Mads...


Veksler: Expect another week of muted...

508 views July 06, 2015

EURUSD gapped lower when Asia opened this Monday following the Greek no vote. But that gap has...


EURUSD - Long-term downtrend and here's why

981 views July 06, 2015

Amid the headline reaction in EURUSD caused by the Greek tragedy, looking longer term a downtrend...


Veksler: Why I won't trade EURUSD at the moment

535 views July 02, 2015

There's been surprise at just how well the Euro is doing despite the Greek crisis. Ken Veksler...



295 views June 24, 2015

What can we expect from Europe over the next three months? Mads Koefoed looks ahead to the third...


Hansen: So far it's been a disappointing week...

482 views July 01, 2015

So far this Wednesday the Euro has drifted lower. Saxo's Ole Hansen says it's difficult to know...


Collins: Three reasons to sell EURUSD

391 views July 01, 2015

Alan Collins is looking to sell EURUSD amid the volatility and uncertainty surrounding the Greek...


Jakobsen: Greek crisis has echoes of Lehman...

1,219 views June 30, 2015

Could the unfolding Greek saga have echoes of the dark days just before the collapse of Lehman...


Knuthsen: Why I'm still bullish on European...

486 views June 30, 2015

Saxo's Teis Knuthsen has been bullish on European equities since late last year. Despite the...


Coleman: Buying EURGBP and here's why

392 views June 30, 2015

Ian Coleman is buying EURGBP after seeing a reverse Head and Shoulders formation and a bullish...