Tagged with from the floor

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Trump propels gold to $1,200/oz...

642 views January 12, 2017

Gold breaks $1,200/oz after Trump press conference fails to provide fiscal specificsGold...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: An uneasy calm ahead of Trump...

333 views January 11, 2017

• USD 'in limbo' ahead of Trump press conference: Hardy • Mining sector boosts Asian...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: 'It's safe to say reflation is...

404 views January 10, 2017

• Chinese PPI data 'confirm reflation theme': Wu • USD continues to retreat from multi-year...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Sterling cracking after May...

410 views January 09, 2017

Sterling slides more than 200 basis points after May's Brexit speech Sterling at weakest for...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: — Trump Twitter versus the...

514 views January 05, 2017

The US dollar is heading broadly lower as the most recent FOMC minutes highlight a very specific...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Strong data powers equities,...

269 views January 04, 2017

● Strong global data is driving positive Asian sentiment – Moltke-Leth ● PBoC sets weakest Yuan...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Dollar bulls back in business —...

431 views January 03, 2017

The US dollar bulls are back in business, and liquidity is returning as London and New York...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: How high can global yields...

405 views December 19, 2016

Bond prices are wrapping up 2016 on much weaker footing than they started the year, but Saxo Bank...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: EURUSD on the 'parity express'...

759 views December 16, 2016

The Federal Reserve's hawkish shift in the 2017 trajectory for interest rates has EURUSD chasing...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Fed electrifies dollar, pummels...

229 views December 15, 2016

FOMC's 25bps interest rate increase and especially its hawkish dot-plot suggestion of 3 further...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Trump factor has Fed flailing—...

747 views December 13, 2016

The Federal Reserve enters the final lap for its big meeting tomorrow when it is expected to wave...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: China sells off as crude surges...

311 views December 12, 2016

Chinese shares posted a dramatic selloff today following a shift in the shift in the forward...