Tagged with greekdebt


Saxo TV Live - Hardy: Greek deal will weaken Euro

1,136 views July 13, 2015

Catch up on the latest Saxo TV Live update. News of a Greek deal has been received favourably by...


Earnings Season: JP Morgan, Google and GE...

479 views July 10, 2015

Earnings Season really gets under way this week with more than 70 large multi-nationals reporting...


Trading Clinic: How best to deal with market...

577 views July 08, 2015

Every trader is subject to market uncertainty. Given what's going on in Greece and China, it...


Koefoed: Why the markets don't fear Greek...

506 views July 06, 2015

There's still so much uncertainty over what will be the final outcome for Greece. Saxo's Mads...


Veksler: Expect another week of muted...

508 views July 06, 2015

EURUSD gapped lower when Asia opened this Monday following the Greek no vote. But that gap has...


EURUSD - Long-term downtrend and here's why

981 views July 06, 2015

Amid the headline reaction in EURUSD caused by the Greek tragedy, looking longer term a downtrend...


Boye: Bond markets calm before Greek storm

619 views July 03, 2015

There is a sense of calm before the storm in the bond markets ahead of the Greek referendum on...


Veksler: Why I won't trade EURUSD at the moment

535 views July 02, 2015

There's been surprise at just how well the Euro is doing despite the Greek crisis. Ken Veksler...


O'Hare: Why I'm shorting the DAX

241 views July 02, 2015

Steve O'Hare from First 4 Trading, is looking at the DAX. He notes that last weekend's collapse...


Hansen: So far it's been a disappointing week...

482 views July 01, 2015

So far this Wednesday the Euro has drifted lower. Saxo's Ole Hansen says it's difficult to know...


Trading floors prepare for possible return of...

769 views June 30, 2015

Banks and trading floors around the world are watching the Greek crisis closely. One big question...


Jakobsen: Greek crisis has echoes of Lehman...

1,219 views June 30, 2015

Could the unfolding Greek saga have echoes of the dark days just before the collapse of Lehman...