Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: USD rebounds on positive data — #SaxoStrats

The beleaguered US dollar bounced after an upward revision of US second-quarter GDP growth and solid private-sector jobs creation in August, reported on Wednesday. Meanwhile, energy commodity markets remain at the mercy of tropical storm Harvey, which has caused catastrophic flooding in Texas and shut a quarter of US refining capacity.

  • USD rebounds on upwardly revised US Q2 GDP and solid ADP jobs growth
  • Dollar recovery could 'blossom' if USD ends the week on an upbeat note: Hardy
  • A follow-through could take EURUSD back down to 1.16 or 1.15 areas: Hardy
  • With around a quarter of US refinery capacity shut, gasoline hits $2/gallon
  • Crude oil and gasoline price divergence accelerated
  • Gold at critical stage in rally as USD recovery; many longs getting nervous: Hansen
  • Gold supported by geopolitical worries, including 'Trump's bullying of Congress'