Tagged with trading fixed income


Boye: Markets buoyant on hopes of Greek deal

447 views July 10, 2015

European markets are rallying after Greece has submitted new proposals for a bailout that could...


Boye: Next 48 hours could be critical for Greece

377 views July 06, 2015

Lots of action in the bond markets after Greek voters rejected the terms of a new bailout, says...


Boye: Bond markets calm before Greek storm

619 views July 03, 2015

There is a sense of calm before the storm in the bond markets ahead of the Greek referendum on...


Trading floors prepare for possible return of...

769 views June 30, 2015

Banks and trading floors around the world are watching the Greek crisis closely. One big question...


Boye: No mayhem in bond markets over Greece – yet!

484 views June 29, 2015

It’s been a very dramatic morning for European fixed income after talks between Greece and its...


Jakobsen: Why stocks will fall and EUR rise -...

3,604 views June 18, 2015

Before hitting the beach for a summer break, it might be worthwhile to take stock of your...


Fasdal: Bonds caught between Greece and inflation

411 views June 08, 2015

The stand-off between Greece and its creditors continues to dominate markets. Saxo Bank’s Simon...


Jakobsen: China could send gold up USD 200 and...

2,576 views May 18, 2015

China’s multi-billion dollar Silk Road Initiative will prompt Beijing to pull money out of Europe...


#SaxoStrats: Time to close the upside inflation...

359 views May 07, 2015

The massive sellout in European bonds offers an opportunity to close the upside inflation trade...


#SaxoStrats: The upside inflation trade

429 views April 23, 2015

Once Greece is played out as a theme in the market, attention will turn back to the ECB’s QE...


Fasdal: QE may not protect Europe from Greece...

729 views April 16, 2015

The Greek bond market is showing signs of stress as talks between Greece and its creditors enter...


Jakobsen: Great value in Asian bonds

528 views April 01, 2015

Just back from a trip to Hong Kong, Saxo Bank’s Steen Jakobsen explains why he is investing in...