Tech Thursday: Mind games, smart phones and flat batteries
Google glass is rolling out across the world and lots of people are coming up with ideas, solutions and software for the pioneering new technology. One app that Stuart Miles thinks is amazing has been produced by the design agency This Space. It’s an app that actually allows you to take pictures using the power of your mind. The app links with a neurological scanner on your head, so you only have to think about taking a photo, and the camera will take a snap. If you want to send the picture to twitter you simply have to think again. Mind blowing! From an investment point of view, Stuart thinks that it’s important to look at how innovative a company really is and how capable it is of designing original technology.
Despite the worldwide success if its Galaxy range, Samsung isn’t looking particularly stellar at the moment after a twenty five percent drop in profits this week. Stuart thinks that one of the major reasons for the profit loss is Samsung’s inability to stay at the top. Samsung held the number one smartphone manufacturer spot in 2012, but has since slipped down the charts. Stuart believes the problem is a lack of ambition to fend off competing companies.
Now, there’s been plenty in the news about airport security and having to show that there’s life in the batteries of your various devices before you board the plane. Stuart warns that the questionable quality of many batteries won’t help passengers struggling to comply with the new travel restrictions.