
Pope: I'll sell the euro even if Greece gets a deal

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The euro is stuck in a tight range against the dollar ahead of Saturday’s decisive talks between Greece and its creditors. If Greece succeeds in extending its bailout, Stephen Pope expects the euro to rally and that’s when he will be selling.

A deal with its creditors would enable Greece to meet a key June 30 deadline for a USD 1.7 billion payment to the IMF and avoid a default.  That would probably see the euro rise against most major currencies, which is an opportunity to start selling into that strength, says Pope, managing partner of the Spotlight Group.  

That’s because the euro remains the weakest of the pair against the dollar, according to Pope. Taking a medium to long term view, Pope says there is little chance of the euro area hiking interest rates for a long time, while the US Federal Reserve is widely expected to move on interest rates later this year.