
Veksler on FX volatility, options and the beauty of the Aussie

What does record low volatility mean for your trading? Trader, Ken Veksler, says you've got to be very selective and options are one of his preferred tools of choice. However, these too have downsides and although they're cheap you have to be highly selective about how you structure your trades.
In a world where finding quality and yield is getting increasingly difficult, Ken still likes Australia and the Aussie dollar. He says there's still underlying strength in the economy and the AUD presents plenty of opportunities. Although AUDUSD has lost some ground in recent days, the consensus a few months ago was that it would fall to 85 cents. That didn't happen and Ken explains how he played those particular moves. 
Ken sees no quick return to normal levels of volatility unless we get some sort of shock from the ECB or another central bank. That lack of price movements also means "a lot more long lunches", he jokes.